If you’ve ever wondered how professional profile optimization is done…well, I can’t spill all the secrets, but I’ll share a few:
Status Updates
You know that little status bar underneath your picture? If you’re not using it, you should be. The best status updates are pertinent to your industry and reach out to people with a message of value. Status updates should be rather narrow in focus and say something more than, “Hey! Look what I did!” Instead, engage others by letting people know about that conference you’re attending or the group you just joined. Ask people if they’re involved as well. “Going to the Chicago Super Conference on June 12 . If you’re attending, let’s connect!?” You’ll share a piece of your world and show your connections you care about what they’re doing as well. And by the way, if you have 500 or more connections, you should be updating your status at least three times a week. Reach out and touch someone!
This isn’t merely a listing of accomplishments or a flat resume. It’s an opportunity to reveal who you are and how you can help. People like to do business with those they feel comfortable with – that’s what networking is all about. Let YOU come through. Highlight your experiences, what drives you, and maybe a little of the journey that got you here so others can know you on a deeper level, allowing you to move from casual acquaintance to someone they “trust”.
How can people find you if they don’t know you by name? By keyword search . The right keywords bring people to your virtual door. Make sure your title is descriptive; not just your actual job title, but what you can do for others. Think about how someone (not in your field) might look for you on LinkedIn. Use long-tailed keywords to help you stand out – if you’re buried on page 6 of the search results, you won’t be found. The title tag is the single most important string of words impacting optimization, and there is a formula for creating a terrific title. Want to know the secret? Drop me a line:info@mginternational.tk
Remember to ask for recommendations. But to get them, you must connect to people in your industry, people that have seen your work, either side-by-side or serving under or over you. Having your neighbor on LI might be fine for expanding connections, but it won’t be relevant as a recommendation. Make a potential employer or client’s job easier by providing recommendations that are positive, plentiful and pertain to your current position. The more recommendations, the better you’ll rank within your industry.
Joining groups on LI is imperative to your success. Groups allow you to cast a wider net by permitting you to connect with group members by invite, without knowing the individual email addresses. Groups establish your expertise, let you share your knowledge, make an impression and solve a problem for someone else – all keys to lead generation.
Don’t forget: Optimization + Engagement = Lead Generation. Isn’t that what we all want?
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