M.G. International Inc. was founded in 1980 and had the same owners, the same name and worked with the same Bank all these years. We have accumulated many years of experience in Diesel Engines and Parts. We also deal with Rebuilt machinery.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

How LinkedIn Improves Your Google Page Rank

You’re probably familiar with the basics of search engines and Google rankings…but did you know that LinkedIn lets you manipulate your profile information to achieve higher rank?

LinkedIn profiles rank high on Google organic search. If you want to influence ‘getting found’ on Google, an optimized LinkedIn profile will get you there.

Here’s how it’s done:

1.   Create your public profile

2.   Select Full View – very important

3.   Create a ‘vanity’ URL…i.e., instead of the default URL, customize your profile with your name. For example, mine is http://www.linkedin.com/in/muaazahmad

4.   Use this link in your email signature, on your web page, when you comment on a blog, and other places across the web to boost your visibility
Along with optimizing your vanity URL, promote your website to Google and other search engines through the links right there on your profile page. You know that spot that says “My Website”? Don’t leave it that way! Edit the tag by clicking on ‘Edit’, then ‘Other’, then type in your actual website name so it appears on your profile page.
As well, if you have a blog, use the new blog App to link your blog posts to your profile page. Then be sure to add the URL of your blog in the additional available line back where you modified your website URL a second ago.
Ta Da! Instant Optimization!
Optimizing your LinkedIn profile is not difficult if you know what to do. We know what to do…so let us help you. Contact me, Syed Muaaz Ahmad +92-343-4113848, or email me at info@mginternational.tk  to learn more about affordable, professional profile optimization that can bring stunning results.
Feel free to contact or join the M G international Linkedin Group.